Brendan's Journey

Thursday, January 10, 2008


While Brendan was in Adelaide hospital having his pre-transplant tests, it was discovered that his Myelodysplasia syndrome has progressed to Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML). The diagnosis of AML changes things significantly. Brendan now needs several courses of chemotherapy in Adelaide and for his AML to go into remission before he can have his transplant. We are now dealing with a new illness with a whole lot of new complications and consquences for Brendan.

Today we are unpacking for Sydney and re-packing for a long stay in hospital in Adelaide. Our lives have been turned upside down in the last 48 hours. The doctors have sent us home for a night and a day. I am taking Brendan to have his hair cut very short, so that when his hair falls out in about two weeks it will be less traumatic for him.

Today we are all very sad and asking ourselves all the "what if"questions. Tomorrow we will begin our journey in supporting Brendan though his chemotherapy.

Our contact details and postal address at the hospital are:

Adelaide Women's and Children's Hospital

Brookman Ward (Room 7)

72 King William Rd

North Adelaide


Ph:08 81617000

Please do not send flowers to the hospital as they are not allowed on the oncology ward.

We can still be contacted by email, mobile and home phone.

I will keep everyone informed as much as possible through the blog.

Cheers from Anna, Brendan and family.


Blogger Keryn Moyle said...

Dear Brendan and family, yhinking of you all as you tackle an unexpected hiccup in your journey amd hoping that it has a positive outcome.

1:16 PM  
Blogger Keegan said...

Hi Brendan,
I hope you feel much better soon. I liked the photo of you hugging the dolphin.
Love Keegan

3:54 PM  
Blogger Alison Smith said...

Hi Brendan and family, We wish you smooth sailing over the next few weeks and want you to know that our thoughts are with you. Love from Caitlin and the Smiths.

PS We went sailing at Myponga and saw 4 dolphins swimming below our boat - Brendan would have loved them

7:20 PM  
Blogger Hohenlohe said...

We're sorry to hear that. We wish you well with the new treatment and we'll be thinking of you all.


8:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Brendan
I read the blog today & hope I am clever enough to send a comment. I am thinking of you in the hospital and wish you all the best for this treatment.
Barbara Ryan

5:43 PM  

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